
How does an ant eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Big problems are composed of smaller, albeit interconnected, problems. Solving the smaller problems will have an implication on the larger problems.

09 March 2010

I can't sleep :( I am sitting here in bed, not really thinking about anything specific other than the fact that I don't feel 100% up to par.

I went to spin tonight. I always feel so great after I finish, hence, the only reason I continue to go. However, everything between the first 5 minutes into class when I am already sweating puddles to the moment we begin slowing down and start stretching, is a slow, torturous DEATH. I am not exaggerating. It's awful! Let me explain. Tonight, 7:02 to 7:06 was not your usual four minutes. This was 45 minutes of death. I have NEVER seen the clock move so slow in my entire life! Then again, 7:17 to 7:19. Two minutes you say?! No! Never, there were at least 3 hours of hell that in those two measly minutes. Again, the clock? I think it was broken!

Well, as my hell on the bike continued tonight, my lungs started on fire! the crap that has been sitting in my chest waiting to decide if it wanted to make me feel crappy or go away has now made it's decision, I think...I hope not, but fear the worst! My chest is burning. No bueno; not a good sign.

Now on top of this, I can't sleep! I'm exhausted! However, my co-worker has officially gotten me hooked on LOST. I am almost a bit embarrassed to say I have become one of those people! What can I say? I tried to jump into it in the middle of season 3, but didn't get it. I decided, when it started getting all sorts of hype, not to waste my time. It wasn't until this co-worker of mine told me she threw LOST parties. I caved. I felt left out; I was the new kid on the block (aka at work) and all the cool people were doing it! I wasn't going to, but then she told me she owned every season. So I decided since I didn't have to waste money renting them, that I would give it a chance. I watched 2; I told her I would give it one more and probably be done. I guess that three was the lucky number and somehow enticed me to spend all weekend wrapped up in my comforter, staring at my laptop...hitting "next" at the end of every episode. That is until...I came to the end of season one, with nothing but one unproductive weekend on my slate! Awesome. I'm an addict and my drug dealer is now withholding the second season. She came into my office today, waved in front of me and then told me I could not have it yet; the suspense had to build. I hate her for it. Okay, not really, but I wish I had it right now. I can't sleep! What better time!?!

Ugh. I have to be up in 5 hours for my Red Cross course. I suppose I should try to sleep...


Jenny Alama said...

Sherie, I LOVE LOST!!! My husband and I are watching them right now too! I've seen through season 4 but started over with him. We are in the middle of season 3. If your coworker doesn't give in and you can't take it anymore, let me know. I have season 2 with your name on it :)

CK said...

Haha! Oh, I wish I could go work out. My body CRAVES exercise... but right now I'm on my recovery bed. Maybe when I'm all better I'll go join a cycling class. That hell sounds like fun.

Heathen said...

I gave in and let her have season 2 today. But I think I should have made her suffer longer because those of us who watched it in real time had to wait 6+ months in between seasons!

Steph and Andrew said...

I told you this like 20 years ago and you didn't believe me. So now you owe me an apology. I will be waiting.