25 Signs that You’re a True Citizen of the World

Are you one of these people? Test yourself on these 25 signs that you’re a true citizen of the world!
1. You know about global disasters within minutes - YES! I am a world news junkie, especially with disasters (comes with MPH title, I guess).
2. Your National Geographic collection is taking on a life of its own - It's small, but got its own box (along with the rest of my life that is boxed up at the moment).
3. You never enter a country without at least 5 phrases in the native tongue - Not entirely true, but I usually know at least 5 phrases within a day of being in the country!
4. You have a good friend on every continent - Absolutely, minus Antarctica! All my close friends tease me for having more friends with "weird" names than I do with American names!
5. You’ve eaten the same animal you once had as a pet - Close enough. Cui (aka Guinea Pig), but never had one as a child. And if I could have ever owned Alpaca, then we could add that to the list, too!
6. You rarely stay in any one country for more than 3 months straight - I WISH! I get out 1-3 times a year.
7. You don’t use guide books but just figure it out when you get there - I like to do SOME planning, so minimal guide book. Definitely better to explore and ask the locals their recommendations once you get there...that makes for the best adventures and fantastic stories later! :)
8. You make friends in the street - Yes, yes, yes! I love talking to people. Duh. haha
9. You make friends in the sea - Not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean. No, I don't generally make friends with the dolphins and fish when I swim in the ocean. However, I definitely make friends with humans at the beach, or with Sailors on the boats (Joni...bring back memories of Cyprus??)
10. You make friends on top of mountains - Hmmm....good question. Probably? I would hope it was a yodeling friend though, by all means! I honestly would love to yodel for just half a second in the Alps!
11. You’ve worked for at least one international NGO - Yuppers :) In the Andes of Urubamba, Peru...and loved every second of it!
12. You’ve taught English to kids somewhere in the world at some point - Nope, thought about it...not quite my thing.
13. When you see tourists from your native country abroad, you hide - Funny this should come up. One of my top goals when I travel is to try and be as discrete as possible. I actually do a really good job! Rarely do I get "American" (until I open my mouth and talk!)...I love it! It's such a compliment to me when I am asked if I am from somewhere else in the world (I frequently get German, French, Argentinian, and Australian). I feel like it means I am doing a decent job at blending in. However, blending in places like Western Africa is absolutely entirely impossible! I definitely got American there; there was NO way of going around that one! So the long way around to answering this questions, sometimes yes, I like to hide!
14. You’ve been bitten/stung by at least one scary insect/animal - Got stung by something in Ghana, not sure what it was and bitten by a billion fleas throughout my travels....otherwise no. THANK GOODNESS!
15. You’ve feared for your life on several occasions - Maybe just once or twice. Moldova 2005 - dark, back room of a police station. Definitely feared for my life in that moment! We were lucky! Ghana 2006 - the moment the police officer got in our taxi and told us we were getting arrested (and none of us had our passports or contact information for our professor on us). Definitely feared for a short period in that situation, too.
16. You’ve never been to the Hamptons - Negative ghost writer!
17. Your lucky sandals have holes in the soles - They would if I wouldn't have left them in the stupid Platypus Hotel in Bogota last summer :( I'm still upset about it, can you tell?
18. You’ve been invited for dinner in families’ homes all over the world - I have had dinner and slept in many random homes in a variety of countries...got to love host families!
19. You sleep best under the stars - I like sleeping under the stars, but by all means is not where I sleep best.
20. You know that couch surfing has nothing to do with waves - Bah! This is how I lived for about a month when I picked up and moved to Washington, D.C. with 1.5 weeks notice! Thank you Cam, Lisa and Antonio!
21. Your iPod has songs on it from every UN member state - Very possible. I love foreign music and I love the Putumayo music!
22. Your favorite author is not from your native country - Don't have a favorite author, but my hero lives in Haiti, if that counts.
23. You take photos… and print them - Occasionally I will print...
24. When people talk about celebrities you feel dazed and confused - WOW ! Story of my life!! I am not a celebrity stalker at all.
25. You sometimes forget where you came from - Never. Love my country! I may not care to live in my country all my life, but for good reasons (i.e. work), but I sure am grateful to be from where I am (even if I occasionally wish I was a Latina!).